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The Gender Equity Coalition was founded in 2019 by alumni Erin Brown '21 and Priya Hosangadi '20. In its first two years (2019-2020), the group expanded Schreyer Honors College orientation programming to include education about sexual violence and advocated for anti-sexist and anti-racist reforms. Since then, the group has expanded efforts in the realms of advocacy and programming and taken on a more formal leadership and membership structure. 


A future in which all individuals, regardless of gender identity, enjoy equal rights, equitable resources, and exist without the threat of violence, harassment, or discrimination.


  1. All individuals deserve to reside and learn in a safe and supportive environment

  2. Penn State must ensure students are educated about consent and healthy relationships, and that they have access to sufficient resources for survivor-victims

  3. Gender inequities are tied to white supremacy, ableism, and hate in many other forms, so to achieve a gender equitable world, we must leverage an intersectional approach and fight for justice for all


  • Advocate for policies and university changes that advance gender equity

  • Organize programming about sexual violence for Penn State students

  • Provide resources to scholars seeking assistance or information about sexual violence on campus


We're working on updating our website to highlight our members and their roles. Stay tuned!

© 2024 by Gender Equity Coalition.

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